Sunday 12 July 2015

How To Make a Infrared Remote Control Security Lock Circuit for Automotive Applications

A basic, inexpensive yet practical infrared based remote controlled security lock may be analyzed in this article post.

Infrared Remote Control Security Lock Circuit for Automotive Applications

Infrared Remote Control Security Lock Circuit for Automotive Applications

The LM567 IC is among the my favorites just because it's too adaptable, and turns into relevant in many of the essential circuit ideas by means of hassle free configurations.

One such essential yet easy IR remote control receiver application can be viewed in the above diagram, which triggers merely by means of a unique specific frequency as set by R1/C1 in the circuit.

The above idea can be utilized in automotive security functions for locking the ignition throughout a distinctly set frequency code.

In the displayed circuit R1/C1 decides the latching frequency of the unit, which can be determined making use of the following formula:

f = 1/R1C1, which constitutes to be 100kHz for the demonstrated values of R1, C1.

Pin3 that could be the receptor pinout of the IC is set up with a IR diode for obtaining an incoming tone locked frequency set at the matching 100kHz frequency.

Whenever this kind of a complementing frequency is identified at pin3 of the IC, pin8 replies and turns into low momentarily activating the transistor latch.

The transistor and relay latch collectively to recognize the reaction and open the locked ignition for the user.

Some other frequency which can often not coincide with the set R1/C1 value is merely terminated by the IC maintaining the ignition protected and locked, hence the system turns into incredibly quick and easy and secure from potential bike thieves.

pin1 output from the IC may be designed with an audio amplifier and buzzer in the event an audio signal is experienced important throughout the remote control activation.

Nevertheless this may need the transmitter to be designed with a modulated audio signal over the carrier base frequency.

A very easy complementing IR remote handset circuit might be observed below:

Infrared (IR) Remote Control Security Lock Transmitter Circuit

Infrared (IR) Remote Control Security Lock Transmitter Circuit

It happens to be a basic two transistor R/C based oscillator, whose frequency is dependent upon the displayed R and C values and coincidentally here too the formula is related to its Rx counterpart, which is:

f = 1/RC

Consequently the Tx circuit frequency turns into much simpler to estimate and match with the LM567 receiver circuit mentioned in the earlier section.

For switching on the Rx circuit, the above Tx circuit IR diode emission basically is required to be highlighted the IR receiver diode of the Rx unit. This immediately unlocks the Rx circuit for the meant results.

The design can be utilized for locking a multitude of other security devices which necessitate a quick and easy distinctly coded locking procedures.

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